Where is


Locations & Shops

Here at Doulos Coffee Co., we not only roasts our own coffee but we also plant coffee shops as a light in communities. We use our shops as evangelical tools to share the love and light of Jesus Christ. We hope to break false notions about Christians and Christianity by loving each and every customer who walks through our doors.

Doulos Coffee Shop

Broomfield, CO

Doulos Coffee Shop was launched in the Fall of 2022. We have since seen an incredible open door with the students of Broomfield High School. We host "Jesus Burgers" every Wednesday, with a couple hundred students in attendance, and have seen dozens of teenagers give their life to Jesus. If you're looking to enjoy a nice cup of coffee in a peaceful environment between 11am-1pm, this is not the place. We serve over 100 students every day between those hours and it is typically standing room only. After one year of being open we are continually amazed at the incredible things God is doing through the simplicity of another coffee shop.

Doulos Coffee Shop

Doulos Coffee Roaster

Denver, CO

Doulos Coffee Roasters was launched in the Fall of 2020. We have started small as we only roasted for our first coffee shop 'The Point Cafe' in Boulder, CO. We later began to roast for other churches, then individuals and other coffee shops. We rent a roaster in Denver, CO at First Crack Coffee Roasters. After we roast we then hold an inventory at our Broomfield location where we pack and ship the beans all over the US.

This business is made to give profits to other missions and missionaries all over Colorado and the world.

Doulos Coffee Shop

More to Come

Where Next?

Our goal is to plant a coffee shop with every church plant. We have seen incredible fruit from simply serving communities. We are Patient in our pursuit of what God wants next. We don't want to be behind or ahead, simply side by side Him. Please join us in praying for where and when our next location will be.